Contact me when you've finished the entire puzzle!
How would you like the idea of putting together this puzzle from scratch and just some pieces you've got the image above and I'm hoping for you to pass this test I'm not sure when it will roll out but I'm pretty sertain it's going to happen very very very very soon!
The Boogeyman beater club is always inproving!
This puzzle is free to play but I am really thinking about the possibility of creating this puzzle like a old fashioned one we used to have!
Hopefully you are interested!
It's the only Boogeyman beater club jigsaw so far found only on the boogeymans club! This jigsaw has really really took an effort on creating for it's a hard one! It's a very very very very very hard one!
But if you can finish it and you show me proof of the completed jigsaw in it's entirely you can bet your sweet marvels that I'm giving you a surprise I'm giving you the opportunity to be a Boogeyman beater club ambassador! That means you can discuss everything your vote is just as important as us Boogeyman! When you are a ambassador you are ranked down just under the Boogeyman themselves!! So contact me on the.supreme.boogeyman@gmail.com and let's show me proof
I solved it in 27 seconds! It is doable!

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