The ultimate digital boogeyman beater club collection
For the real boogeyman beaters, all books, and stories have now been released in 1 book! The ultimate digital boogeyman beater club collection with:
The horror children's reading book part I!
The horror children's reading book part II!
Kissed by the angel of death!
The adventure to the unknown club!
Where kings are born!
A new beginning!
The purple flubbel bubble!
And with the latest addition:
Angel eyes!
The English Auch Claw Trilogy is not yet available!
This is a digital download, so immediately available in your mailbox… For the low price of 3 euros, but this week 1.50.
Has your child now defeated the boogeyman, just like a few children before him, then do not hesitate to contact us or order your free boogeyman beater club certificate!
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